Part 2: My Goals for 2020
Copyright: C King Continuing from Part 1 , I thought I would share this year's goals so that you can see how I have taken the steer given and applied it. However, I'm not going to spell these out in detail, as I'm sure you can read between the lines. 2019 was a transformative year, both in the way I experienced and approached aspects of life that could not be ignored. Time (sometimes brutally) highlighted what was missing, but I mostly realised that my 'voice' was not as much heard or as distinct, as I had hoped. So I would be lying if I said these goals weren't already set. Goal 1: Return to work In 2019, I took a career break. Usually, people tend to plan a sabbatical during their careers to do something a bit different, take time out to discover what they want to do next, try things out. Mine was completely unplanned, but I took it to focus on my health and as a way to keep a job I love (creative problem-solver, anyone?). Obviously, I have a st...